Marriage is a sacred bond between a husband and a wife. which makes each other permissible for them to live happily. Allah says, in eloquent terms, this relationship between man and woman, which is filled with security, love, understanding, and compassion. Allah says, forced marriages
“And among His signs is this that He created for you mates from among yourselves. You may dwell in tranquility with them. and He has put love and mercy between your hearts: Verily in that are signs for those who reflect.” (Quran 30:21)
Islam commands justice for others and does not allow forcing people. Forced marriages are opposed in the Quran, and by the Prophet Muhammad (PBUH).
Islam condemns forced marriages, approval of both parties especially the approval of women important. Islam regards the marriage rights of every individual. If anyone is forced to marry then it is not valid. The following incident tells the position of forced marriages in Islam.
Women’s Consent:
Khansa Bint Khidam said “My father married me to his nephew, and I did not like this match, so I complained to the (PBUH). He said to me “accept what your father has arranged.” I said, “I do not wish to accept what my father has arranged.”
He said, “then this marriage is invalid, go and marry whomever you wish.” I said “I have accepted what my father has arranged, but I wanted women to know that fathers have no right in their daughter’s matters. (Fathul Bari Sharah Al Bukhari 9/194, Ibn Majah Kitabun Nikah 1/602)
At first, the Prophet (May Allah bless him and grant him peace) told Al Khansa to obey her father, and this is as it should be. because the concerns of fathers for the well being of their daughters is well known. When he realized that her father forced her into a marriage, he gave her the freedom to choose. and saved her from an unwanted marriage.
Thus, Islam teaches that consent from both men and women is a must before a marriage. The act of forcing someone to marry is against the practices and teachings of Islam.